Functional Mockup Interface Tutorial. Functional mock up interface fmi is a tool independent standard to support both model exchange and co simulation of dynamic models using a combination of xml files and compiled c code. It is supported by 100 tools and maintained as a modelica association project on github.
Latest versions of the standard are here. Functional mock up interface fmi overview engine with ecu gearbox with ecu thermal systems automated cargo door chassis components roadway ecu e g. Benefits of utilizing fmi for realizing cross company systems engineering worked out and specified by the smart systems engineering project.
Benefits of utilizing fmi for realizing cross company systems engineering worked out and specified by the smart systems engineering project.
The functional mock up interface defines a standardized interface to be used in computer simulations to develop complex cyber physical systems. The functional mockup interface seen from an industrial perspective. Benefits of utilizing fmi for realizing cross company systems engineering worked out and specified by the smart systems engineering project. Functional mockup interface 2 0 and hil applications 16 presentations from fmi design group members oems suppliers and tool vendors other fmi related conference papers.